Knitting Clio Goes to Stitches East

Last weekend I went to Stiches East, a large knitting/crochet/fiber expo at the Connecticut Convention Center.  I started my day by taking a class on standed color (aka Fairisle knitting) with Beth from See Jane Knit.  This really got me hooked on Fair Isle — and I can see myself doing more of this in the future.

I then spent several hours wandering around the market floor.  This was truly overwhelming.  Since I’ve put myself on a “yarn diet” (i.e. am limiting yarn purchases until I finish more projects), and took the advice of someone on Ravelry to go in armed with specific projects in mind, I kept my spending under control.  I wore my completed February Lady Sweater, and received lots of complements.  I also met the author of the comic book, Handknit Heroes, who also gave me a great idea for a Halloween disguise.

Stitches East will be in Hartford again next year at the end of October.  Here is the preliminary information.

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