Belated Blogging Against Disablism

Please forgive this late post, but I just returned from the American Association for the History of Medicine meeting at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  Even though I had my brand new Netbook with me, I completely forgot about Blogging Against Disabilism Day which was Saturday, May 1.  While the AAHM meeting was fabulous, the conference organizers, or perhaps the conference hotel, or both, forgot about accessibility issues when setting up for the presentations.   The speaker podiums were mounted on platforms that were over two feet high, with no stairs.  It was hard for even a long-legged temporarily able-bodied gal like myself to climb up and down from the platform.  One presenter who has a physical disability had to make her own arrangements (music stand, hand-held microphone) so that she could present without injuring herself.

So, word to the local arrangement folks for the AAHM’s  future meetings — make sure that the set-up accommodates the needs of  persons with disabilities.

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