Stressing quality over quantity, or why I’m not worried I haven’t blogged in awhile

via Dan Cohen’s Digital Humanities Blog

Cohen has just redesigned his blog.  Here’s why:

“the thinking behind this redesign goes back to the beginning of this blog, when I struggled, in a series called “Creating a Blog from Scratch,” with how best to highlight the most important feature of the site: the writing. As I wrote in “Creating a Blog from Scratch, Part I: What is a Blog, Anyway?” I wanted to author my own blogging software so I could “emphasize, above all, the subject matter and the content of each post.” The existing blogging packages I had considered had other priorities apparent in their design, such as a prominent calendar showing how frequently you posted. I wanted to stress quality over quantity.”

Unlike Cohen, I’m not planning on writing my own blogging software (or any software for that matter).  But, I do like the idea of waiting until I have something meaningful to say rather than accumulating posts for the sake of doing so.

I will be attending THATCamp CHNM 2012 (aka ThatCamp Prime) where I hope to learn and/or polish some useful things for my teaching and research.  So, I might write about that.  Or not.  We’ll see how the summer goes.



1 thought on “Stressing quality over quantity, or why I’m not worried I haven’t blogged in awhile

  1. I’d love to hear about your THATCamp experiences – I want to find a way to attend one, myself, someday.

    As for refocusing your blog priorities: I hear you there, too! I know all of us are happy to wait and see what you have to share when you do rather than feeling that you need to blog for the sake of blogging.

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